Gaurav Jaiswal

Speedup Firefox And Chrome Browsers Up To 3 Times

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the leading web browser. But  both browsers have a drawback. With the time, speed of these browsers goes on decreasing and they start working slowly. This problem goes worst in case of Mozilla Firefox. I face browser speed issue in Firefox more than Google Chrome. The reason is fragmentation of profile databases. They also take time in startup and some time hangs up while browsing. Startup delay problem is common in Firefox browser and it is not in case of Google Chrome.

If you are also facing the same problems with your browser, here i have a perfect solution for you. There is a nice tool which can speed up your web browsers up to 3 times.

Follow these steps:
  • Download SpeedyFox from the link below
    Download Here 
  • After the downloading SpeedyFox, run the tool in your system.
  • It will automatically select available profiles in your web browsers. Select available profile from the list and click on Optimize button.
It is smaller in size and quickly performs all the optimization tasks. This tool is available for both Windows and Mac OS. The method used in SpeedyFox is 100% safe for your profile (e.g. bookmarks, passwords, etc), it's well documented and tested on millions computers. 

This nice tool also supports, Thunderbird and skype and can be used to speed up these softwares too.

Read More about this tool

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