Gaurav Jaiswal

How To Hack WIFI ?

Nothing Is Impossible For Cyber Experts If You Don't Want To Spend Money For Your Most Favorite & Part Of Life i.e Surfing Internet And You Have In Mind That Your Neighbour Has Wifi 24 Hours On ...!! 

You Can Hack Your Neighbours Wifi In Few Steps Using Tools .

Test Your Nokia Mobile Quality

Know Your Nokia Handset Quality , In Just One Step .

How To Hack Gmail , Yahoo , Hotmail , Orkut Or Any Other Email Account For Free

Note : Do At Your Your Own Risk I Will Not Be Responsible For Any Reason.

Simple Trick To Destroy Your Enemy Computer's Data

Sometimes it happens that we want to destroy someone's computer either it was of any friend or any college computer .

Situation comes as that we can not leave any clue behind it , here is a way that you can do it Without any Tool & Without leaving any clue .....

How To Hack Facebook Account ?

Hello Friends ,

We all want to hack our girlfriend's,friend's or enemy's account and want to see that what the shit he/she is talking behind our back OR we want to hack just for a hacker's status symbol.The Reasons may be vary but the intension is same "Hacking"....Today i am showing you how to hack anyone using phishing.You don't need any Hardcore hacking skill to hack his/her account by phishing...

How To Download Paid Apps For Free

Hello Friends...

Do You Ever Wanted to Download Premium Things like Software Music Or anything..?

I Guess "Yes"....

Because Internet Is Going To Be A Big Market For Sellers And Buyers.

So Guys Today We Will Show You How To Download Premium Applications which Have A Paypal Payment Option..and All Is That Is Absolutely Free By Using A small HTML  Hack. :)


Which Is Cheapest & Reliable Online Bookstore Site In India ?

online book stores india Which is Cheapest & Reliable Online Bookstore Site in India?
Online Bookstores in India have flooded like anything thanks to easy DIY eCommerce setup packages. Most importantly, the reason is tendency of people turning towards shopping books online at cheapest price without stepping out of home.

Betting On Cricket Online From India: List Of Sites

online cricket betting india Betting On Cricket Online From India: List Of Sites
Not just watching the game but Cricket Betting (though not legal) is very popular in India. Instead of gambling in real world, some people prefer to bet on cricket online in India. Betting sites too welcome Indian punters and some even accept Rupees as currency. Let’s have an overview and get to know how to bet on Cricket Online from India.

Punishment For Cyber Crime In India | Cyber Laws In India

punishment cyber crime india Punishment For Cyber Crime In India | Cyber Laws In India
People sitting behind screens unknowingly commit cyber crime. This act can be as small as uploading objectionable content or spreading sensitive messages on social web. Some are unaware and some feel nothing will happen because it is India but it isn’t true! Revised IT laws has strict Punishment For Cyber Crime In India.

Best Sites To Buy and Sell Second Hand Used Items Online in India

With a trend of Online shopping, selling and buying used things is also rising. Finding the potential buyer for an used item in household has now become easier thanks to Online classified ads site. Also, if you are looking for budget product in used condition then second hand online market is good place.

Top Sites To Buy Custom Design T-shirts Online In India

Among all the products being bought online, T-shirts are one of the most appealing to youths. T-shirts are something which you never have enough; cool designs, funny quotes, etc have always attracted to purchase one. So, online stores to find and create custom tees online and purchase them from online shopping sites.

How To Upload Videos To Multiple Sites At Once Online For Free

Making videos and sharing them is a common task. In general we are mostly concerned about uploading our videos to only one streaming site. If you are interested in uploading a video on various video streaming and sharing site like Youtube, Metacafe and others then, this is the site you can make use of.
oneload How To Upload Videos To Multiple Sites at Once Online For Free

Analyze Graphics Card Details With GPU-Z

If you have a Graphics card installed on your system and want to know it true capabilities, you will try it from the driver properties. It gives a very basic details that may not be complete and incomplete information is useless. So if you really need to know your graphics card a very small and portable application can help. 

Opera Turbo To Speed Up Browsing And Save Bandwidth

We always give a try to different browsers and first concern in all of them is speed but our internet connection speed matters too.

What is Dalvik Cache and How To Free Space by Clearing Dalvik Cache

One of the common thing we come across on Forums and Blogs related to Android is Dalvik cache. What is it and How it is different and Why it is so important to clear it ?

Add Speed Dial Page to Firefox | Website Thumbs on Opening New Tab

If you find speed dial feature of Opera interesting, means thumbnail of your websites on the new tab and welcome page similar feature on Google Chrome. It’s not a feature of Mozilla Firefox by default but it’s Extension called Fast Dial can surely do this for you.

Disable Or Block Ads On Android Device

Basically there are three types of application available on Android market. The best class is of the freeware apps that are free to use with out any restrictions. Many of them are paid, once you buy them its all yours and finally the adware applications that are free but display ads on the application interface to generate revenue for the developers. Although these ads are mend to support the developer but they cost you your bandwidth.

Try And Run Software Applications Without Actually Installing Them

I am fan of testing new applications and enthusiastic about experiencing new features in various softwares. Many a times, there are some unstable releases which can put you in trouble on installation. So, how about skipping installation and making it portable ?

Clear All Browsing History, Cache, Cookies In Firefox On Every Exit Automatically

Clearing cache,cookies,browsing history etc doesn’t looks very important task to do. But if can lead you to see some annoying things. For example suppose you opened a website and at that time the website was down because of some kind of server error and it is showing Server is taking too long too respond or Server not found. But again if you’ll open the website when it is up, probably the error page will be appeared because of the cache created at that time. And clearing browsing history is too important to keep your secrets a secret. I think we don’t need to explain it anymore. So now we’ve to follow some steps to make you firefox browser clear everything on Exit time.

How To Setup Automatic Birthday Wishes For Your Facebook Friends

Its very irritating when you misses to wish to your loved once on his/her birthday. But here’s a trick to get rid of this problem.

Who Unfriend You On Facebook | How To Know

The previous method to know who unfriend you is not working anymore. So here’s another article on it which is really working and works perfectly on most of the browsers. With this method, an extra tab will be added to your facebook which is Unfriend. This new tab will be appeared just after the Home tab. Now the only thing you have to do is to click on Unfriend tab and it will show the friends who unfriend you from thier fb friend list.

Speedup Firefox And Chrome Browsers Up To 3 Times

Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are the leading web browser. But  both browsers have a drawback. With the time, speed of these browsers goes on decreasing and they start working slowly. This problem goes worst in case of Mozilla Firefox. I face browser speed issue in Firefox more than Google Chrome. The reason is fragmentation of profile databases. They also take time in startup and some time hangs up while browsing. Startup delay problem is common in Firefox browser and it is not in case of Google Chrome.

How To Trace And Get Back Your Stolen Mobile Or Lost Mobile For India Users ?

The answer to the question ,

whether you will get your mobile phone back is 

YES,Read the article on how to get back your lost mobile.

"I was coming out of Metro, and in a split second I found that my phone was gone". Anybody who has faced this will know how painful it is to have lost a phone which not only cost a lot but has phone memory, pictures and loads of other information which we never wanted to lose.

After surfing over the web, it is clear that there is no clear cut information   to move ahead. So we at felt it as an important National Concern for all of us.

Ok, let's go and get to the solution.

How to extend trial period of any software

It’s general thing for all of us that a program which you really like reached it’s end ofevaluation period and you are left alone. But, now you can use the trial version forever.

Three Must Have Free Security Apps for Android Smartphone

Security is an important aspect be it your personal computer or your smartphone. Today our Smartphone has grown so powerful that we can store all our valuable data on it to work on the go and any breach can lead to serious issues. Below mentioned are three must have security application for your Android device to make you feel more secure.

Rename multiple files simultaneously

Suppose you have downloaded images and Videos from your Digital Camera or Mobile and now you need to rename them as per requirement. This happens because the images freshly downloaded will either have filename as dates taken on or any custom you defined. It will take a long time to rename each and every file one by one after previewing them through Windows Explorer.
No more hassle from now because here is a small utility which can rename mass files and Folders simultaneously and that too previewing it there itself before making any changes.

Indian Rail Info: Best Android App for Anything Related to Indian Railways

Indian Railway has the world’s fourth largest railway network and more than 25 million passengers use it every day. We end up calling the Indian railway inquiry one day or the another knowing very well that the probability of getting a valid response is negligible.

Beautiful Places You Dreamed To Visit Are On Google Street View in 3D

hawaii travels Beautiful Places You Dreamed to Visit are on Google Street View in 3D
Everyone has a wishlist of the places to visit in this lifetime but very few comes out to be true. Thanks to technology, you can at least experience those places right from your computer. Street View lets you explore places around the world through 360-degree street-level imagery.

Track Indianrail And Get Live Position On Google Maps | Indian Railways

It is possible to get the exact location of any train running on Google Maps on realtime basis. Indian Railways launched an online railway train tracking web application called RailRadar. It lets you spot your train’s live position, route and timings whether it is on time or delayed.

Top 10 Best Android Mobile Phones Below 10,000

With the entry of Android based Mobile Phones into the market Smart Phones became available to everyone as we can have them for affordable price.There are wide range of Android Mobiles ranging from Rs 5000 to Rs 50,000 (Even More). Here is a list of Top 10 Android Mobile Phones with their specifications. Just go through all of them and select the one which suits best for you.

Best Android Mobiles Below 15000 ( Between 10,000 -15,000 )

Are you planning to buy new Android Smart Phone below Rs 15,000?Smart  phones are always a hot topic in the mobile market. Many of them comes out with awesome feature and specifications and push us into confusion when we are buying them.Selecting a Best Android mobile is always a big deal. If you are planning to buy a new Android Smart phone between range of           10000 - 15000, then just go through all these mobiles and it will be very helpful to you in picking up a right one.

How To Block , Skip Youtube Ads ( Video/Banner Ads )

Youtube is the one of the Top most website for watching videos online. It has millions of videos with people watching from all around the world. Youtube has many interesting and  advanced features like subscriptions, Channels, Search filters, Personal accounts and lot more.... Even lot of people used to learn many things from the online tutorials. Youtube even allows the people to Earn Money by displaying ads.


These ads are seen from past few years.  The ads that  appear before your video depends upon what video you are going to watch. Theses Ads are one of  the important source for YouTube’s revenue,they forces the viewers to watch them.

Top Branded Laptops Under 50k ( Between Rs.40,000 - 50,000 )

Many people are preferring to buy laptops than desktops, for a couple of years now.With so many different laptop models and endless hardware configurations to choose from,how do you single choose the best Laptop that suits your need???

But going in the market to buy and find one ,it is not a easy Task provided if you buying for the first time.Deciding which laptop to buy can be tough, with hundreds of laptop models to choose.

Today I'll be sharing with you the Best Affordable Laptops to replace your desktop or satisfy your daily needs with very High performance level and Rated as the Best by Experts.

Best Laptops Below 40k ( Between Rs.30000 - 40000 )

Nowadays, Laptops have become a certain need for a main issue with the globe's inhabitants. Be it learners, officer’s, authors, one of their simple specifications is a Laptop. Seeing the fast growth in Native Indian market, the laptop companies are releasing their products in smaller price when as opposed to past times.

Most of us don’t know where to find the best laptop within our budget so  if you are looking for an cost-effective laptop in this range (30000 to 40000) , this list can be employed to you.


10 Ways To Download Youtube Videos Online

YouTube has been designed to only allow users to watch and view videos on their website. Every day its visitors watch millions of music videos, entertainment and  training videos as well as videos showing some unique moments of life. The popularity of service is constantly growing.

Many users want to save their favorite videos to their computer so they can watch them without being connected to the Internet or they want to watch them on other devices.


Below are few method's by which you can download youtube video's by software and online.Some of them are specific software to just download YouTube videos, some provide lot other features as well, some let you extract songs from YouTube videos, and some let you download multiple videos simultaneously from YouTube. So, whatever be your need regarding downloading you tube videos, you are sure to find something that you can use to download youtube videos.

Tips To Speed Up Youtube Videos Buffering - Increase Buffering Speed By More Than 3 Times

We all know that Youtube is the best video sharing network with more than 3 Billion views per day.All of us watch youtube videos.But the toughest part comes when youtube videos buffers (Especially when you have a slow Internet connection).Here I am giving some Tips to Speed Up Youtube Videos Buffering Speed Keep Reading.
