Gaurav Jaiswal

Download Your Favorite Android Applications To Your Computer ?

Now You Can Download Android Application And Install It Manually With Following Steps :

  • Install The Latest Version Of Google Chrome 17.0 Or Later From Google Website Only , It Is Must .
  • Open Google Chrome And Install Apk Downloader From Here .

  • Note : After Downloading The Apk Downloader , Just Add It To   Chrome From The Same Window In Chrome , If You Try To Install The Apk Downloader Manually You Will Face Problems .

  • Create a Shortcut Of Chrome On Desktop And Go To Its Properties In The Text Field Target Add A String To Path                                [space]--ignore-certificate-errors[space]--allow-running-insecure-content .
          Note : Please Give Proper Space As Written In The String .

  • Now Restart Chrome With The New Created Chrome Icon . Open The  APK Downloader Options Page From Here .

  • Enter The Details Of Your E-Mail ID Which Is Registered Through Your Android Phone , It Is Must .
  • You Need Your Android Device ID To Submit And Finalize The Trick , The Easy Way To Get Your Device ID  From Here Or Type *#*#8255#*#* On Your Phone Dial Pad You Will Get It . 

  • After Completing Above Steps You Are Ready To Download Free Android Applications From Google Play 

  • Now When You Open Android Market Application Page In The Address Bar You Will See A New Icon Click On That To Download Application .

  • Note : Use This Trick At Your Own Risk 

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