Gaurav Jaiswal

Assign Usage priority and Block Applications from accessing Internet

If you are working on a slow internet connection then bandwidth management is the only way you can work smoothly with it. For instance, if your primary work on internet is to surf on your browser but while doing this an antivirus update or other background process may trigger and eat up internet bandwidth leaving you with a poor browsing experience.

 A very easy way to restrict applications from internet access is using a firewall and blocking them but applications cannot be given priority according to your choice using a firewall. NetBalancer can help in these situations.
sshot 12 Assign Usage priority and Block Applications from accessing Internet
NetBalancer is a windows application that has a paid as well as free version. It helps you to monitor applications that use active internet connection. You can block applications that unnecessarily takes up bandwidth and also assign priorities to applications just by right clicking on them. These priorities can be given to their upload and download connections separately. Though in the free version you can assign priorities to five applications, its always possible to reassign the priority to applications you want.
sshot 2 Assign Usage priority and Block Applications from accessing Internet
It provides few handy configurations which allows you to select the network card you want to monitor like the LAN, Wi-FI or dial up modem. The level severity option allows you to set the difference in speed between various priority levels. Others general settings are simple and easy to work with.
NetBalancer is an useful application that can help home users as well as professionals to get maximum out of their internet connection and to experience online tasks without a jerk.
Download: NetBalancer

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