Gaurav Jaiswal

How To Transfer Files From One Host To Another

Generally we share files with our friends but sometimes file host are best for downloading large files and also even small files. 

To transfer files from one host to another, what we generally do is download all files on local computer first and then upload it to another. This is quite slow and laborious task so, why not go for FTP to FTP Transfer directly.

In this process, you waste twice the bandwidth of file size you are transferring and also the time taken for downloading and uploading files one by one (when it is in number of thousands) is quite long.

I tried few software which allowed multiple FTP account adding and transfer files FTP to FTP directly but the truth was that they downloaded first locally.
It is quite helpful while moving your site to another host, taking backup elsewhere or mirroring the website. So, I mention two ways which I use generally to transfer FTP to FTP without downloading on Local Computer.

FTP to FTP Transfer Software

MyBackupBox  is a free web tool which I mentioned to take Automated Website Backups to Dropbox can also be used for FTP to FTP transfer.

It consists of two sides. On Left: You have to authorize FTP where files are currently hosted and On Right: Authorize FTP where you want them to be transferred.

You are done. Just press “Transfer Now” and operation will start. You may close the window and notification email will land in mailbox when transferring is done.

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